Home Events April 12-13 Bringing a Gun to a Knife Fight Oliver Springs TN (Special Offering with Live Fire)

April 12-13 Bringing a Gun to a Knife Fight Oliver Springs TN (Special Offering with Live Fire)

Harris Combative Strategies – Bringing a Gun to a Knife Fight ! April 12-13 2025


The old joke from “The Untouchables” was about “bringing a knife to a gunfight”. And if you already have your sawed off shotgun in hand like Sean Connery did then that bad guy bringing a knife is not very smart. However It is equally dangerous trying to employ your pistol from concealment when someone is actively trying to stab you. Could you even get your gun out without getting stabbed? Would your shooting skill even matter if  the bad guy has a knife and initiates the attack before you know it is coming? This class covers that material.

Anyone can draw and shoot a stationary paper target that is armed with a knife. The problem is that stationary paper target looks nothing like a real knife attack. If you just try to stand and “outdraw” them while they are stabbing you then you may not survive. That’s why we bring you “Bringing a Gun to a Knife Fight” where we teach you real world proven techniques to keep from getting repeatedly stabbed as you access your pistol. I have had previous students use this exact material and contact me later on telling me how it saved their life.

The After Action Project podcast featuring this class can be found here….https://open.spotify.com/episode/6wjnUu7MUXxhfcogSRmbCS

Instructor : Randy Harris

Class Title : Bringing a Gun to a Knife Fight

Date: April 12-13 2025

Time: Saturday April 12th from 1PM – 5PM then  Sunday April 13th 9AM – 4PM

Location : Windrock Shooting Range & Training Center 720 Windrock Road Oliver Springs, TN 37840

This class is all about interjecting and employing your pistol vs real world knife attacks. This is an interactive Force on Force class with live fire in the afternoon of day 2 . Blue Guns and NOK Trainers are used for FOF. Most knife attacks happen without much warning and are very close and very fast. Standing still and shooting small groups DOES NOT WORK when the bad guy is close enough to touch you.  This class is a study in mitigating the initial attack with empty hands, making distance or controlling the weapon bearing limb , and accessing your own pistol and finishing the fight.

We will learn effective blocking and parrying techniques, controlling the weapon bearing limb, effective movement patterns, accessing your pistol while under attack and much more.

Required Equipment:

  • A non-firing replica of your pistol (Blue/Orange gun/Red Gun, Airsoft gun or even UTM or Simunition gun is acceptable) I have a few loaners if you cannot source one before class. If you need to borrow one of mine you will need a holster that fits. I have mostly Glock 17s, a 1911 , Sig 226 , SW M&P, Sig 239 , sig 320 , and a few others.
  • A cup and mouthpiece are optional but recommended, as is a soft forearm guard. You do not necessarily NEED these for the class but they are not a bad idea to have .
  • This is a special offering of this class WITH LIVE FIRE so you will need your pistol, 100 rounds of ammo,  carry gear and at least 2 magazines, eye and ear protection.

Price : $300 ( A $30 Range Fee is payable in cash at class)

Payments: You can pay for this class through the Eventbrite link OR you can save the Eventbrite fees and pay at class by cash or check. You can also do electronic payments by paypal or venmo (friends and family option please so we don’t have to add 3% to cover the fee) ) or by credit card (contact Randy by phone 423 827 9133 or by email at [email protected] for CC payment). If you plan to pay at class please contact Randy to sign up so he can put you on the roster.


Eventbrite – https://www.eventbrite.com/e/april-12-13-bringing-a-gun-to-a-knife-fight-oliver-springs-tn-tickets-1234063791019?aff=oddtdtcreator

Paypal – [email protected]


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Apr 12 - 13 2025


Saturday is from 1pm to 5pm Sunday is 9am to 4pm
1:00 pm - 4:00 pm



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Wind Rock Shooting Range and Training Center
720 Windrock Rd, Oliver Springs, TN 37840
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