
Listed below are descriptions and equipment lists for some of the classes we offer regularly, as well as options for custom events, collaboration, and supportive training groups. Click any of the links to learn more.  To see the current calendar or to register for upcoming classes, please visit our Eventbrite page


This class is the street knowledge,  gun handling and marksmanship class that your Carry Permit class should have covered but didn’t. After a brief discussion on legal, moral and ethical considerations we cover dealing with unknown persons that approach you on the street, recognizing the cues of impending criminal assault, taking appropriate action for the situation, drawing from concealment, delivering fight stopping hits with your pistol, reloads, malfunction clearance and we look at dealing with police after the action is over.

Equipment Required:

  • Pistol and at least 2 magazines
  • carry gear
  • Eye and Ear Protection
  • Ammo count: 200 Rounds. 

Tuition: $200

Alternative shooting and aiming methods in close quarters. We are constantly striving to get the best hits we can . Misses do not stop people. But there are many ways to aim a gun without using a hard visual focus on the front sight…. Inside 5 yards and while shooting and moving at speed we can still get fight stopping high quality hits without having to see a picture perfect sight picture. This class combines both live fire and interactive FOF work . Blue guns,  Airsoft guns and NOK Trainers used for FOF.

Equipment Required:

  • A non functional copy of your pistol that fits your holster (Blue/Orange gun, Airsoft, UTM or even Simunitions gun is acceptable) I have a few loaners if you cannot source one before class.)
  • Pistol and at least 3 magazines
  • Carry gear
  • Eye and Ear Protection
  • Ammo count: 250 Rounds

Tuition: $200

3 yards and closer interjecting your pistol into the fight . Appropriate timing, appropriate positioning, and appropriate level of extension. This class involves Live Fire and some interactive force on force exercises so the student can see why we do what we do. Blue guns and NOK Trainers used for FOF.

Equipment required:

  • A non functional copy of your pistol that fits your holster  (Blue/Orange gun, Airsoft, UTM or even Simunitions gun is acceptable) I have a few loaners if you cannot source one before class.
  • Pistol and at least 3 magazines
  • Carry gear
  • Eye and Ear Protection
  • Ammo Count: 250 Rounds

Price: $200

Combative use of the Snubby. History, Carry methods, deployment, accurate shot placement, reload methods and strategies. Whether you carry a small revolver as your primary or as a backup this class will bring you up to speed on running this pistol.

Equipment Required:

  • Pistol and at least 2 speedloaders
  • Carry gear
  • Eye and Ear Protection
  • Ammo Count: 200

Tuition: $200

A thorough look at the typical low light civilian street problems from managing unknown contacts to engaging with precision gunfire both with and without the assistance of a flashlight.  Blue guns and NOK trainers and inert pepper spray used for FOF exercises.

Required Equipment:

  • A non-functional copy of your pistol (Blue/Orange gun, Airsoft, UTM or even Simunitions gun is acceptable) I have a few loaners if you cannot source one before class.
  • Pistol and at least 3 magazines
  • Carry gear
  • Eye and Ear Protection
  • Ammo count: 250 Rounds

Tuition: $200

A two-day foundation builder for gunfighting skills… The pistol skills you NEED to be prepared for the overwhelming majority of real world encounters. This class is primarily live fire with some interactive force on force exercises to introduce you to the the reality of fighting people instead of paper. Legal, moral and ethical considerations, The 3 Stupids, Managing Unknown Contacts, recognizing developing criminal assault, pre fight positioning, concealed carry draw stroke, fight stopping shot placement, use of cover , multiple assailants, and much more.  Blue guns and NOK Trainers used for FOF.  

Required Equipment:

  • A non functional copy of your pistol that will fit in your holster (Blue/Orange gun, Airsoft, UTM or even Simunitions gun is acceptable) I have a few loaners if you cannot source one before class.
  • Pistol and at least 3 magazines
  • Carry gear
  • Eye and Ear Protection.
  • Ammo Count: 350 Rounds 

Tuition: $400

As the name implies this is an exercise in technical pistol shooting , placing precise hits out to 25 yards and even farther. This class will teach you how to SHOOT. It is all about grip, sights and trigger finger education and clearing out the mental clutter that keeps you from being the shooter you can be. Can also be done as an abbreviated 1-day add on to another class.

Required Equipment:

  • Pistol and at least 3 magazines
  • Carry gear
  • Eye and Ear Protection
  • Ammo Count: 600 Rounds.

Tuition: $400

The Red Dot equipped pistol is becoming more common in the holsters of law enforcement, military and private citizens and this class is designed to quickly develop confidence and proficiency with the platform. Unlike iron sighted pistols Red Dot equipped pistols have a few quirks and idiosyncrasies that need to be accounted for and trained for. The most high tech weapon is worthless without solid skills to operate it to the full potential. This class will help you develop those skills.

Some topics include: Grip, Draw, Finding the Dot Faster, Acceptable vs perfect sight picture, Target Focus vs Sight Focus, Trigger control, Tracking the dot in recoil, Target transitions, Shooting on the move, Malfunctions (both with pistol and the optic) , Alternative indexing methods and much more.

Required Equipment: Reliable Red Dot Pistol and at least 3 magazines, carry gear, Eye and Ear Protection. We have a few loaners if you do not have a Red Dot pistol and want to attend the class. Ammo Count is 600 Rounds. For safety reasons holster must fit the belt you use and must not collapse when the gun is removed. Holster must cover trigger guard. Serpa Holsters strongly discouraged unless that is your issued duty rig . A rain coat/wet weather gear is also a good idea in case of rain.

Tuition $450

Most of us spend time in a vehicle every day whether it is our commute to work or school  or just a trip to the store. And while we all have spent a lot of time driving a vehicle most people never get to practice fighting from a vehicle. This class teaches you to do just that. This class covers everything from dealing with seatbelts, to weapons access, to using the vehicle for cover and fighting from inside the vehicle. YES in this class you will shoot from inside your own vehicle. 

Equipment needed : Modern defensive pistol and 200 rounds of ammo. A holster specifically for that pistol worn on the belt . Three (3) magazines and mag pouch , a belt the same width as the holster and mag pouch and range safety gear (eye and ear protection) . 

Tuition : $200 

Long Gun

This class is designed as a primer in defensive use of the shotgun. It is not how to win a 3 Gun or sporting clays match class, instead it is all about running your shotgun as an individual in a combative environment from home or business defense to natural disaster. How to set up your shotgun, Ballistics, Fight stopping hits, Use of cover and concealment, Proactive and reactive reloads, Transition to pistol and much more is covered.  

Required Equipment:

  • Defensive Shotgun
  • Pistol and at least 3 magazines
  • Carry gear
  • Eye and Ear Protection
  • Ammo Count:
    • 100 Rounds Birdshot
    • 25 Rounds Buckshot
    • 25 Slugs
    • 50 rounds for pistol

Tuition: $200

This class is designed as a primer in defensive application of the rifle or carbine. This class is all about running your rifle or carbine as an individual in a combative environment from home or business defense to natural disaster. Topics include: How to set up your carbine, Ballistics, Fight stopping hits, Use of cover and concealment, Proactive and reactive reloads, Shooting on the move , Transition to pistol and much more .

Required Equipment:

  • Rifle with sling
  • At least 3 magazines and a way to carry them (such as shoulder bag, chest rig, ALICE gear, pants pockets)
  • Pistol and at least 3 magazines
  • Carry gear
  • Eye and Ear Protection
  • Ammo Count:
    • 250 rounds rifle
    • 25 rounds pistol

Tuition: $200

As with the one-day version, this class is designed as a primer in defensive use of the shotgun. It is not how to win a 3-Gun or sporting clays match class. Instead, it is all about running your shotgun as an individual in a combative environment from home or business defense to natural disaster. How to set up your shotgun, Ballistics, Fight stopping hits, Use of cover and concealment, Proactive and reactive reloads, Transition to pistol and much more is covered. This class covers all the material from the one-day class but in much more detail. 

Required Equipment:

  • Defensive Shotgun
  • Pistol and carry gear
  • Ammo Count:
    • 150 Rounds Birdshot
    • 50 Rounds Buckshot
    • 25 Slugs
    • 50 rounds for pistol
  • Eye and ear protection

Tuition: $400

Like the one-day version, this class is designed as a primer in defensive use of the rifle or carbine. It is not how to win a 3 Gun or CMP match class or “how we did it in the Army”, instead it is all about running your long gun as an individual in a combative environment from home or business defense to natural disaster. How to set up your carbine, Ballistics, Fight stopping hits, Use of cover and concealment, Proactive and reactive reloads, Transition to pistol and much more is covered. This class covers all the material from the one-day class but in much more detail.

Required Equipment:

  • Rifle with sling
  • At least 3 magazines and a way to carry them (such as shoulder bag, chest rig, ALICE gear, pants pockets)
  • Pistol and carry gear
  • Ammo Count:
    • 500 Rounds rifle
    • 50 rounds pistol

Tuition: $400

Edged Weapons

Interjecting and employing your pistol vs real world knife attacks. This is an interactive FOF class. No live fire Blue Guns and NOK Trainers used for FOF. Most knife attacks happen without much warning and are very close and very fast. Standing still and shooting small groups DOES NOT WORK when the bad guy is close enough to touch you. This class is a study in mitigating the initial attack with empty hands, accessing your own pistol and finishing the fight.

Equipment Required:

  • A non-firing replica of your pistol (Blue/Orange gun, Airsoft gun or even UTM or Simunition gun is acceptable) I have a few loaners if you cannot source one before class.
  • A cup and mouthpiece are optional but recommended as is a soft forearm guard. You do not necessarily NEED these for the class but they are not a bad idea to have .

Tuition: $200

This class covers the use of the small knife as a defensive tool in realistic defensive scenarios. We use NOK trainers and inert training knives to work on accessing while under attack and using the knife to keep your attacker at bay and escape. This is especially useful for those who choose not to carry a firearm or who are regularly in places that they can carry a knife but not a firearm. It is also an excellent skillset for travelers who go places where they cannot carry firearms. We also discuss use of improvised weapons like tactical pens, bottle openers, etc.  

Tuition $150

Empty Hand

Quick and dirty primer on empty hand skills. Primarily based on the WWII Combatives catalog mixed with a little wrestling and a twist of BJJ. Simple to learn and retain. This will not make you ready for “the octagon,” but it will give you a solid grounding in skills that will give you confidence and some proven skills if things have to go hands on. No Ammo or live weapons allowed, but you may bring non-firing replica guns and inert training knives if you want to do the class wearing non-functioning versions of your carry gear.

Tuition: $100

1-day class on Bridging From Empty Hands to Guns . Blue guns and NOK Trainers used for FOF. Natural extension of Fundamentals of Hand to Hand. 

Required Equipment:

  • A non-functional copy of your pistol  (Blue/Orange gun, Airsoft, UTM or even Simunitions gun is acceptable). I have a few loaners if you cannot source one before class. 
  • No live ammo or operable weapons allowed

Tuition: $150


Interjecting and employing your pistol vs real world knife attacks. This is an interactive FOF class. No live fire. Blue Guns and NOK Trainers used for FOF. Most knife attacks happen without much warning and are very close and very fast. Standing still and shooting small groups DOES NOT WORK when the bad guy is close enough to touch you.  This class is a study in mitigating the initial attack with empty hands, accessing your own pistol and finishing the fight.

Required Equipment:

  • A non-firing replica of your pistol (Blue/Orange gun, Airsoft gun or even UTM or Simunition gun is acceptable) I have a few loaners if you cannot source one before class.
  • A cup and mouthpiece are optional but recommended, as is a soft forearm guard. You do not necessarily NEED these for the class but they are not a bad idea to have .

Tuition: $200

2 Day class that ties it all together from managing unknown contacts to empty hand skills to pistol skills and after-action skills. Some topics include “You got a cigarette?”  “Wrong place at wrong time”, “Carjacking”, “You’re not from around here” “I’m glad you’re here officer” and “Where’s that ambulance?”  Blue guns NOK Trainers and inert pepper spray used for FOF. 

Required Equipment:

  • A non-functional copy of your pistol that will fit in your holster (Blue/Orange gun, Airsoft, UTM or even Simunitions gun is acceptable) I have a few loaners if you cannot source one before class.
  • Pistol and at least 3 magazines
  • Carry gear
  • Eye and Ear Protection
  • Ammo Count 400 rounds
  • Price $450

A 2-day combo of empty hand, knife, pistol and either shotgun or carbine that flows together in a cohesive package. This is not just 4 disjointed blocks of instruction. Blue guns and NOK Trainers used for FOF.

Required Equipment:

  • A nonfunctional copy of your pistol that will fit your holster (Blue/Orange gun, Airsoft, UTM or even Simunitions gun is acceptable) I have a few loaners if you cannot source one before class.
  • Pistol and at least 3 magazines
  • carry gear
  • Eye and Ear Protection
  • Ammo Count:
    • 250 Pistol
    • 150 Rifle or 100 Shotgun  

Tuition: $450

Class is a full deep dive into the dynamics of interpersonal conflict when armed with a firearm. We will cover everything from recognizing the cues of impending criminal assault, to managing unknown contacts (verbal de escalation and pre fight positioning ), initiative,  accessing your pistol while under attack, scoring high quality hits to stop the bad guys quickly, dealing with opponents armed with contact weapons (knives and clubs) and with gun armed opponents, when to move and when to draw, when to use empty hands first, gun and contact weapon disarms , dealing with multiple opponents and more. 

Equipment needed….  An airsoft pistol with plastic bbs (no metal bbs!) and co2 cartridges or green gas to run your gun. There is no live ammo or weapons needed . A full face mask (paintball type mask) , long sleeve shirt, a cup is a good idea as are lightweight gloves (mechanics gloves, etc) .

Tuition $400

More Training Options

Randy is a founding member of his church’s safety team and has conducted training for several teams around the country. He offers private classes for churches that want to get their safety/security teams up to speed on various skill sets. Contact him to discuss your needs and to schedule a class.

1 day class. This class will be a study in first aid in a combative environment and treating traumatic injuries most likely suffered in street altercations. This is not a Red Cross first aid class. It is also not a austere environment surgery class. It more closely resembles Military PHTLS or TCCC with an eye toward treating the kind of wounds typically seen in stabbings, shootings and mass casualty events.  

Tuition: $150

This is a recurring training opportunity for alumni to get together and work on skills they learned in classes and to socialize with people who share your same interests. Sessions normally run 6 hours and are normally priced at $80. Subjects run the gamut from precision pistol shooting to shooting Federal Agency qualification courses to escaping restraints and empty hand vs knife attacks and even low light shooting . Subject matter is different every time. Some participants have called this “the best deal in the training industry.” We normally meet around 8 to 10 times a year. Locations rotate between Ider Alabama, Dayton TN, Dalton Ga, and Knoxville TN. EVERYONE IS WELCOME ! See training schedule for locations and subjects.

In addition to his regular course catalog, Randy often hosts guest instructors, offers team-taught collaborations with colleagues, travels to teach outside his local training area, and designs custom classes for private groups. Please keep an eye on the course calendar for upcoming events. If you’re interested in hosting, collaborations, or private and custom classes, please contact us to discuss.